Last Updated, Apr 16, 2024, 9:00 PM Press Releases
LTE: Forced housing in Nahant is a bad idea

To the editor:

Research shows that around 75% of citizens are dissatisfied with the decisions of our current leadership. This is because our world has gotten more complex and the current leadership skill has dropped below that of the Greater Generation.

When this happens, we the people are asked by our American Constitution to step up and help make better government policies. In that vein, allow me to make a few observations and comments.

First, Nahant is a very unique place and a Commonwealth top-down legislation of one size might not fit all. Earlier, Nahanters worked to create this special community and I feel a responsibility to do my part, in my day, to keep it so. I also like my property values to rise more.

Government-forced housing is a bad idea on many levels. It tries to overhaul the economic laws of supply and demand. In the long run, this does not work. We have many examples.

Towns should NOT be in the speculative real estate business. They do not have the skills; it is not their job. Look at the financial tax dollar waste with the Coast Guard properties here in Nahant. That cost is still not over. They want to spend more tax dollars on more studies.

Nahant for more than 200 years has set building codes and funded building inspectors to enforce those codes. That works. Now, with Massachusetts Law 40A-B, the MBTA is redefining our zoning so that high-rise, low-income properties can be built anywhere in Nahant. That is a big mistake.

For example, if a low-income high-rise is built next to your property, the value of your home will probably reduce by 15%. This is covered in the Constitution; it’s called an “unreasonable taking” of personal property. If Nahant does that then the town must reimburse individuals out of our tax dollars. No town official is talking about that. Not smart. Not well informed.

Finally, instead of changing building codes that worked well in the past, why don’t we commit to Nahant Cyber. This is the future. Nahant can lead in cyberspace. Let’s do that smart thing.

See for more details. I productively work in cyberspace. It empowers me. I can, and will, teach every Nahanter how to best do that in their field of work.

Gary Deines


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