There are many vital factors to consider when you own a commercial building and run a business out of it. Several managers think about what goes on inside the building but may neglect the area outside. Here are a few of the essential exterior lighting fixtures for your business and how proper outdoor lighting can benefit your company. Outdoor lighting provides guidance, safety, and improved aesthetics to your property.
Wall pack lights are typically any light fixture that attaches to the wall of a building. These fixtures are generally self-contained units with their own light and battery pack, meaning they don’t require connecting to a power grid and can operate independently. The light of a wall pack fixture typically cones up or down to highlight signs or entrances. There are many things to consider when choosing wall pack lights, such as what brightness or style works best for your building’s exterior.
Post top lights are among the essential exterior lighting fixtures for your business. Post tops are tall poles with lamps at the top. Many companies utilize post top lights for parking lots or other expansive areas that may require a wide cone of light. Additionally, managers may opt for post tops that connect to the power grid or solar-powered options that connect to a battery. Solar-powered options are more popular these days because they can provide ample safety in exposed areas, even during a power outage.
We often think of spotlights as large floodlights, but a spotlight is a term for any light fixture that aims all its light in a single direction. Some of the most common spotlights are floor lamps ideal for guiding people on walkways and revealing any changes in elevation. For example, installing spotlights on the floor may be a wise idea if you have any stairs leading to the entrance of your building. Businesses may also use spotlights to highlight signage or other essential information that visitors or employees should see.
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